Commercial and Corporate Law

Commercial law

The most important law of commercial law is the HGB. It contains special regulations for legal transactions in which merchants are involved and regulates specific areas of law for companies.

Our commercial law advice focuses on the following areas:

  • Trading company
  • Admissibility of company names
  • Defense of company names against attacks by third parties
  • Commercial register
  • Advice on registration options in the commercial register and the consequences of registration
  • Clarification of representation regulations
  • Advice on granting and registering power of attorney and management as well as related liabilities
  • Accounting law
  • Advisory and balance sheet preparation, the allocation of balance sheet items and the billing and publication obligation
  • special commercial transactions
  • The special trading businesses include commission shops, specialist shops, freight forwarding businesses and warehouse businesses
  • Commercial agency law
  • Selling products through sales agents is still one of the most common forms of distribution. We prepare commercial agency contracts for you, conduct contract negotiations and enforce claims.

Corporate law

ebl esch&kramer Rechtsanwälte advises large companies, some of which are listed on the stock exchange, family businesses and start-ups. Our focus is on the economic benefit for our clients, taking into account individual structures and decision-making processes.

Our advice requires a high degree of sensitivity to the needs and specific goals of our clients and includes in particular:

  • Choice of legal form when setting up a company
  • Drafting the articles of association /Statutes
  • Liability issues during the founding phase
  • Advice on the organization of the company
  • Employment contracts for managing directors /Board members and employees
  • Establishment of advisory boards / supervisory boards
  • Preparation of rules of procedure
  • Advice to managing directors /Management boards, advisory boards / supervisory boards, shareholders in all matters, in particular in matters of corporate liability
  • Share transfers
  • Company acquisitions in the form of asset deals and share deals
  • Planning and implementation of capital increases or decreases
  • Transformation of companies, merger, split, contribution
  • Dispute and liquidation
  • Corporate succession planning, including tax issues
  • Establishment of companies abroad via the international WARWICK LEGAL NETWORK

Your contact persons

Thomas Kramer

Partner / lawyer

Frank Engelhard

Partner / lawyer

Frank Neldner

Partner / lawyer

dr Jill Baas-Holler


dr Armin Gasper


Christine Vock


Tim Felix Quintiliani

Partner / specialist lawyer for
Commercial and Corporate Law

Dr. Robin Brown


Elena Dittrich



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